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A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.




A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.
Assembly: World Environment Day

Assembly: World Environment Day

An assembly looking at ways of improving our environment at home and at school around the World Environment Day campaign. Suitable for secondary pupils and older primary
GDPR guidance for teachers INSET / CPD session: top tips and practical strategies for compliance

GDPR guidance for teachers INSET / CPD session: top tips and practical strategies for compliance

A 19 slide PPT for school and academy staff INSET on GDPR procedures in schools following May 2018 EU-wide changes. Using video and weblinks, the slides outline key tips to ensure GDPR compliance. Slides cover: What is GDPR? Including video Why does GDPR matter? Who is the Data Protection Officer? What are ‘personal details’? Paper-based good practice: top tips ICT-based good practice: top tips MIS-based good practice: top tips Email good practice: top tips Social Media good practice: top tips Display work good practice: top tips What to do if there is a data breach. Questions and links for further information.
Assembly: Anger Management

Assembly: Anger Management

An assembly that looks at the science of anger and how to effectively manage this. This slides look at: The impact of having anger issues (including video) How common is it to have anger issues in your teenage years (some statistics) The science of losing your temper (referencing the amydgala, the frontal cortex and the ‘fight or flight’ response) Why do teens get angry? Strategies to deal with anger management.
Assembly: Temptation and Choice

Assembly: Temptation and Choice

An assembly on the power of temptation and the impact of the the choices we make at school. The assembly describes a hypothetical pupil, the choices he makes and the potential impact it has.
Assembly: National Walking Month and #walktoschoolweek

Assembly: National Walking Month and #walktoschoolweek

An assembly to inform primary and secondary (editable) about the importance of walking during National Walking Month and National Walk to School Week. National Walking Month is a time when people across the country are encouraged to walk more. It happens every May and it’s a chance to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise by going for a walk. It is particularly relevant when it is National Walk to School Week on 18th - 22nd May 2023. This highly dynamic and editable 17-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is National Walking Month? Includes video. Slide 2: Why is walking good for you? Slide 3: Why is walking good for you? Physical Health Slide 4: Why is walking good for you? Positive Mood Slide 5: Why is walking good for you? Brain activity Slide 6: Why is walking good for you? Social and Community Slide 7: Why is walking good for you? Environmental benefits Slides 8-9: What can students do to support this? Slide 10: #walktoschoolweek and resources Slide 11: Walking to School myths Slide 12: Walking to School myths debunked Slide 13: Follow-up form time activities title screen Slide 14: Walking to school video for primary and secondary Slides 15-16: Creative form time ideas Slide 17: Write a poem including example As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
How to Unplug: Managing Technology  and Mobile Phone Use Assembly

How to Unplug: Managing Technology and Mobile Phone Use Assembly

An assembly on the issue of taking control of technology and mobile phone use. Dealing with emerging issues such as social media FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), social media affirmation and gaming/phone addiction, the assembly ends of easy to access top tips that any young person can embrace and take on board. Includes video clip on screen time concerns. Suitable for secondary level.
Road Safety Week Assembly November 2019 Speed Down Saves Lives

Road Safety Week Assembly November 2019 Speed Down Saves Lives

An assembly suitable for KS2 - KS4 (language may need a small edit for KS2 on some slides) for The Road Safety Week 2019 - November 18th to November 24th. Updated with latest BRAKE resource “Speed Matters” video. Slides include: Slide 1: Introduction Slide 2: Speeding facts for 2016/2017 Slide 3: Why is speeding such an issue? Slide 4: The impact of speeding - Avril’s story (video) Slide 5: Key messages Slide 6: Stopping distances - what are they? Slide 7 and 8: What can you do to raise awareness and be safe? Slide 9: Speed Matters video with Maddie Moate [KS2 recommended] Slide 10: Closing message and links for more information
SMSC Audit Tool

SMSC Audit Tool

An SMSC tool that breaks down Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of school. Can be used in any phase of education. Has been used at whole-school and departmental level and attempts to link to specific OfSTED framework language. Running over 13 pages, this has been completed by all department leads in school and then collated to give the full picture regarding SMSC delivery across the school community. **New TES uploader** Reviews gratefully received.
AQA GCSE Media Studies Options Assembly

AQA GCSE Media Studies Options Assembly

An assembly for Year 8s or 9s on the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The presentations clarifies what Media Studies is and the various Close Study Products (CSPs) that students will study. It also highlights key questions for each CSP so that students will understand more of the content of the course.
'How to be Happy' Assembly

'How to be Happy' Assembly

An assembly incorporating the top 10 tips for personal happiness. Deliverable to any year group - although some of the scientific and holsitic aspects are more KS3 and KS4. Includes slides and full script for each slide in the ‘notes’ section.
Assembly: UN World Water Day 2024

Assembly: UN World Water Day 2024

An assembly to celebrate World Water Day in March 2024. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 22-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slides 1: What is UN World Water Day? Slide 2-4: UN World Water Day – key information including video Slide 5-6: UN World Water Day - Key World Water facts Slide 7-8: UN World Water Day – What can you do? Slide 9: Take a Water Pledge Slide 10: Final thought Slide 11: Form time activities title page Slide 12-13: Form time activities: Colouring activity Slides 14: Form time activities: Write to your MP Slide 15: Form time activities: Do a quiz Slide 16: Form time activities: Read a book Slide 17: Form time activities: Complete a wordsearch Slide 18: Form time activities: Write a poem Slide 19: Form time activities for KS1 and KS2 Slide 20: Form time activities: Access a water resource pack 1 Slide 21: Form time activities: Access a water resource pack 2 Slide 22: Form time activities: Water quotes for classroom discussion As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: UN International Day of Peace

Assembly: UN International Day of Peace

An assembly to support work during the United Nations International Day of Peace in September. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 25-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is the International Day of Peace. Includes video. Slide 2: Why is the theme in 2023. Slide 3: Why does this matter to us all? Slide 4: What can you do to support the push for global peace? Includes teacher script. Slide 5: Can peace come from conflict? Examples from around the world. Includes teacher script Slide 6-9: Some inspirational Peacemakers. Case studies. Slide 10: It starts with small steps and it starts with you… Slide 11: Closing Thoughts Slide 12: Follow-up form time activities title screen Slide 13-14: Form time activities: Colouring activity Slide 15: Form time activities: Design an origami dove of peace. Includes video. Slide 16: Form time activities: Peace Wordsearch Slide 17: Form time activities: Write a poem activity Slides 18-23: Form time activities: Peace quiz – with answers Slides 24-25: Other form time ideas to support Peace Day awareness in schools As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: International Day of Families

Assembly: International Day of Families

An assembly to celebrate International Day of Families in May. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 29-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is International Day of Families? Includes video. Slide 2: What is a family? Slide 3: Families around the world Slide 4: Why population and demographic change is such an important issue. Includes video. Slide 5: What is demographic change? Slide 6: Why has the UN chosen demographic change this year (2023)? Slide 7: What are the advantages of fair-trade shopping for us all? Slide 7: What are the demographic changes in the UK? Slides 8-9: How have family structures changed over the last 50 years? Slide 10-11: How is your school community is just like a family Slide 12: Final thought Slide 13: Form time activities title screen Slide 14: Form time activities: guidance Slides 15-17: Form time activities: Colouring activity Slides 18-19: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity Slide 20: Form time activities: Build a Family Tree activity Slides 21: Form time activities: Write a family poem Slides 22-27: Form time activities: Family quiz – with answers Slides 28-29: Other form time ideas As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: Yom HaShouh - Holocaust Remembrance Day

Assembly: Yom HaShouh - Holocaust Remembrance Day

An assembly to reflect on Yom HaShouh. Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, is an annual day of commemoration in Israel and around the world for the six million Jews who were killed during the Holocaust. The day is observed on the 27th of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, which usually falls in April or May of the Gregorian calendar. This highly dynamic and editable 15-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. The branding is underpinned by an animated candle on all slides and the UK branding for this year. Slides 1-3: What is Yom HaShouh? Includes video. Slides 4-6: What happens on Yom HaShouh? Slides 7-9: Why is it important to remember the holocaust? Includes video for primary and secondary. Slides 10-13: ‘Refugee Blues’ by WH Auden including reading by Sheila Hancock. Slide 14-16: Form time extension activity ideas. As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: World Fair Trade Day

Assembly: World Fair Trade Day

An assembly to celebrate World Fair Trade Day. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 21-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is World Fair Trade Day? Includes video. Slide 2: The Global Marketplace. Famous quote. Slide 3: Is our world trade really fair? Slide 4 and 5: Where does the profit go when you go shopping? Slide 6: What is fair trade shopping? Includes video. Slide 7: What are the advantages of fair-trade shopping for us all? Slide 8: What do you need to do to shop fair and be an ethical consumer? Slide 9: Final thought Slide 10: Form time activities title screen Slide 11: Form time activities: More detailed Fair-Trade video Slide 12: Form time activities: Poetry activity Slide 13: Form time activities: Colouring activity Slides 14-19: Form time activities: Fair Trade quiz – with answers Slides 20-21: Other form time ideas As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: National Vegetarian Week

Assembly: National Vegetarian Week

An assembly to celebrate National Vegetarian Week in May. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 22-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is National Vegetarian Week? Includes video. Slide 2: What is a vegetarian? Slide 3: The rise of vegetarianism. Slide 4: Why is National Vegetarian Week important? Slide 5: What are the health benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required. Slide 6: What are the environmental benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required. Slide 7: What are the animal welfare benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required. Slides 8: What can you do during National Vegetarian Week? Slide 9: Final thought Slide 10: Form time activities title screen Slide 11: Form time activities: Colouring activity Slides 12-13: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity Slide 14: Form time activities: Write a vegetarian poem Slides 15-20: Form time activities: vegetarian quiz – with answers Slides 21-22: Other form time ideas As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Assembly: National Deaf Awareness Week

Assembly: National Deaf Awareness Week

An assembly to celebrate National Deaf Awareness Week. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities. This beautifully-designed and editable 23-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities. Slide 1: What is National Deaf Awareness Week? Includes video. Slide 2: How big an issue is deafness in the UK? Includes national statistics. Slide 3: What problems can deafness cause an individual throughout their life? Slide 4: Do’s and Don’ts of Deaf Awareness. Includes video. Slide 5: Common mistakes when communication with a deaf person Slide 6-11: Top Tips for good communication with a deaf person Slide 12: Final thought Slide 13: Form time activities title screen Slide 14: Form time activities: More detailed deaf awareness video Slide 15: Form time activities: Read my lips Slide 16: Form time activities: Poetry activity Slides 17-22: Form time activities: Deafness quiz – with answers Slides 22-23: Other form time ideas As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES: “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.” “Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”